The Cedars Nursery
Copper Beech House
0191 565 2549
The Cedars Nursery
Cherry Tree House
Grainger Park Road
0191 298 3333

0 to 2 years
You love babies, we love babies

We are fortunate in having an abundance of space and have dedicated several rooms to specialist baby and under 2 years old care.
These are split into key areas so that we can fully cater for children from birth onwards. We all know, only too well, how quickly babies grow and develop, this is why we have structured a bespoke curriculum in our specialist nursery rooms that cater for baby’s first words and steps.
Each child is encouraged to develop at their own pace and we provide appropriate stimulation and play that the growing toddler needs. Our expert early years specialists, teach additional skills and we carefully observe and encourage correct development, in a social and peer group environment.
Toddlers learn best through happy structured play where they are allowed to use their new found movement and speech to the full. Our objective is to hear laughter and encourage sharing, to stimulate development at each child’s own pace.