The Cedars Nursery
Copper Beech House
0191 565 2549
The Cedars Nursery
Cherry Tree House
Grainger Park Road
0191 298 3333

2 to 5 years
Boy, are they up for it when they turn two
When ready and following supervised visits, the children move to the next age group, our Cygnets, when they are ready. This is usually done in small groups so that children are more comfortable with familiar surroundings and friendships are encouraged to continue.
Having conquered the early skills of speech and movement, children are now ready for accelerated development. In this area we have a more structured curriculum, so that the wonderful world of words and marvellous discovery of numbers can be fully embraced. It is amazing what your child can achieve under our caring guidance.
​Our three to five year olds, the Swans, are really up for fun and learning
When you visit these areas of The Cedars Nurseries you can feel the vibrant pulse and endless energy of the children.
This is channeled via our specialist nurses and Teachers into learning and exploring indoors and out. Happiness is the key and the rate at which our children learn is phenomenal, hence why it is so important that they learn in the right way guided by fully trained staff.
Preparation is paramount
The time your child spends in our pre-school, as a ‘Swan’, is so important where we nurture and prepare them for mainstream school.
Our specialist EYPs and nurses teach essential skills under the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the children love it. Cookery, home corners, modelling, games and activities are intermingled with numeracy and literacy so that learning is made fun.
As with their physical build, a child’s learning accelerates as they gain a better command of language and understanding. As your child has no limit to their imagination, we have no budget limit to our creative resources and almost every day your child will present you with something new they have proudly created.